Flat Carpet Cover Strip


3ft PRICE: £3.00 EACH

9ft PRICE: £9.00 EACH

This Flat Door Bar is used for joining almost any type of flooring of equal height but is most commonly used for connecting vinyl flooring to vinyl flooring & Carpet to Carpet.

Available in gold or aluminium style finish, it comes in 3ft and 9ft lengths (0.91m/2.7m).

Door bars are used in door thresholds or between rooms to join two pieces of flooring of the same or different types. This flat door bar is ideal for joining vinyl flooring to vinyl flooring. You can also use these door bars to join other flooring of equal height such as laminate flooring and it will provide a strong and safe join with an attractive, professional finish.

Colours Availble Silver & Gold

Size: 900mm x 38mm